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In-depth analysis of the principles and applications of temperature relays

In modern industrial control systems, the safe operation of motors and other electrical equipment is crucial. For this reason, the role of the temperature relay cannot be ignored. It is an intelligent protective element that controls based on temperature changes and is designed to prevent equipment damage due to overload or temperature increases caused by environmental factors. This article will delve into the working principles, types, and wide range of application scenarios of temperature relays to provide a comprehensive understanding of their importance.
First, let’s understand how a temperature relay implements overload protection for the motor. During the operation of the motor, if the winding temperature rises due to overload current, it will affect its normal operation and even cause damage. The temperature relay can indirectly detect the temperature of the winding through the built-in heating element. When the temperature reaches the preset value, the temperature relay will operate, disconnect the circuit or trigger an alarm, thereby protecting the motor from overheating damage. This protection mechanism based on temperature monitoring effectively avoids motor failure caused by overload.
However, the causes of motor overheating are not limited to overloading. Abnormal rise in grid voltage, high ambient temperature, poor ventilation and other factors can also cause the motor winding temperature to be too high. In these situations, traditional thermal relays alone may not provide adequate protection. Therefore, the introduction of temperature relays greatly enhances the scope and efficiency of overheating protection. By directly monitoring the temperature inside and around the motor, it can more accurately respond to various situations that cause temperature to rise, achieving "full thermal protection."

In addition to motor protection, temperature relays are also widely used in overheating protection of other electrical equipment and temperature control of media. Whether it is heating equipment on an industrial production line or household appliances, temperature relays can provide effective temperature monitoring and control to ensure that the equipment operates within a safe temperature range.
Regarding the types of temperature relays, they are mainly divided into two types: bimetal type and thermistor type. The bimetallic temperature relay uses the difference in thermal expansion coefficients of two different metals to trigger action. It has the characteristics of simple structure and low cost. The thermistor-type temperature relay detects temperature by measuring the resistance change of the thermistor. This type of temperature relay responds faster and measures more accurately, and is suitable for application scenarios with stricter temperature requirements.
To sum up, the temperature relay, as an efficient and reliable overheating protection component, plays an irreplaceable role in motor protection and temperature control. Through reasonable selection and application of temperature relays, the safety and reliability of electrical equipment can be greatly improved, providing a solid guarantee for industrial production and daily life.